Collaborative Business Matric

Collaborative Business Matrix

How do you develop a branding strategy that provides business results?

The role of today’s business leader, while still retaining the fundamental management requirements, has a wider scope of responsibilities.  Certainly the business leader must focus on developing a clear vision, communicating the vision that fosters a culture that embraces the vision and implementing a clear plan that achieves measurable results. Moving a great idea into business results can be a gargantuan task.

The Collaboration Matrix

In particular, a business leader must widen the marketing scope and shift into an organization that defines (or redefines) a brand that is collaborative in nature. EnoggEggbert defines this as the Collaboration Branding Matrix (CBM).

Today’s successful branding campaigns engage internal and external audiences. A Collaboration Branding Matrix helps manifest the corporate vision that drives business results within the context of a consumer/client marketplace. In other words, the business sets the standard for interactivity and collaborates both internally and externally with the marketplace.

It’s So Last Century

The dynamics of launching a product that builds upon a branding strategy has changed over the years. Yesterday’s brick and motor companies rallied a branding strategy around a traditional tried-and-true approach. Generally their product launch team followed a formula to successfully launch their products and create consumer-appeal. They formed focus groups and hired advertising agencies that put together slick, or not, advertising programs to attract their consumers. They analyzed the consumer marketplace to determine trends. They studied demographic data. Sometimes their marketing team pre-launched a product by leaving a sample on your doorknob. It wasn’t uncommon for certain targeted geographical areas to receive door-hanging samples of laundry detergents or dishwasher soap.

From Zero To One Hundred

The explosion of the information highway coupled with computer-users readily having access to the Internet drives business leaders to build branding strategies leveraging Social Media technologies. For instance, the use of Web 2.0 technologies has shortened the cycle of bringing a product to market. The technologies allow for instant feedback coupled with instant product branding and visibility.

Over the next few years, successful business owners will achieve more sustainable business results by enhanced connectivity with their loyal customer base. By providing a unique blend of consumer offerings coupled with legitimate consumer connectivity that is centered around a particular brand, will grow awareness and provide another outlet to increase brand appeal.

A business leader that recognizes the social-consumer behaviors and collaborates both internally and externally will drive business results. The Collaborative Business Matrix means business owners will be closer to the pulse of their customers and have a virtual environment of loyal consumers that are participating in the overall well-being of the business.

Customers can feel a part of the brand by helping to mold and shape the future offerings with their participatory unique involvement in the consumer-social network. The consumers that have a say in shaping the brand will help evolve the brand. The CBM encourages business leaders to listen both internally and externally and build a brand fostering this unique and ever changing interaction. By providing a brand-centered environment that is developed by loyal followers will create a dynamic environment where unique offerings can be developed.

Those companies that do not connect with their customers by leveraging the backdrop of social connectivity will be left in the cold, looking for their flock. The Collaborative Business Matrix will dynamically pull in this flock and help drive business results.

And guess what? Collaboration is FUN!

From The Desk of EnoggEggbert